Contains all German Red Cross applications from Büffeln.Net.• DRK rescue dog team exam:The catalog of specialist questions for the rescue dog team examination according to the common examination and examiner regulations for rescue dog teams (debris/area search) in accordance with DIN 13050 contains examination questions from the subject areas of the basic training of rescue dog teams in the participating organizations Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund, Federal Agency for Technical Relief, German Red Cross, Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe and Maltese Relief Service.• DRK workbook medical certificate:The test questions for medical service training on which the app is based are based on the learning content approved by the responsible specialist committees of the German Red Cross. In addition to the current recommendations of the ERC, the German Advisory Council for First Aid and Resuscitation and the Federal First Aid Association (BAGEH) of the aid organizations, the special needs of the professional associations were also taken into account.• DRK first aid knowledge:Do you know how to apply a pressure bandage or help a hypothermic person? Test your knowledge with the “First Aid Knowledge” app!This is how we prepare you for your exam easily and efficiently:• Learn the entire question bank or specific chapters• Monitor your learning progress continuously• Test your knowledge in exam mode• Highlight specific questions for targeted learning• Easily search questions and answers• Thanks to automatic online updates, you are always up to date• Synchronize your learning progress with Büffeln.Net for flexible learning on different devices• Customize your learning experience with a variety of settingsWith our app you can learn anywhere - it also works offline. Use DRK.Büffeln.Net to prepare effectively and efficiently for your exam.You can also test excerpts of each of the subject areas free of charge to get an idea of our learning system. In the end, you dont have to buy a pig in a poke, but you know exactly what learning environment is waiting for you.We are definitely looking forward to your visit and wish you much success and fun while studying! :)